Thursday 24 March 2016

crisis that the the country is facing




What a campaign! South Africa is faced with many problems lately and the president is so not having an easy time. The members of the country are tired of the way the president is operating. That is why we have a campaign such as #ZumaMustFall. This is a campaign established to retell those in power that they are our representatives by so, the top seat is filled with a leader with no strong code of ethics.

 #ZumaMustFall board
#ZumaMustFall members believe that Jacob Zuma is the wrong candidate to lead the country more. So this campaign is to let those who are in power that the country should have a leader who is skilled, ethical, and responsible leadership skills. We believe that South Africa deserves leaders who are capable, devoted, and suitably fit, with the best interest of South African citizens at the main of every decision made on behalf of the country. 

members of #ZumaMustFall campaign protesting
South Africa has been facing crisis for many years. The global economy go-slow has also been the problem and it has contributed to the poor economic growth rate. The country is suffering so have the people of South Africa. People of South Africa don't think that Jacob Zuma is a worthy leader because he's been questioned about the honesty of his leadership and he's also taking confused decisions, he’s only attending himself.  

There are many challenges that the country is facing and there are still promises that are no fulfilled up to this far. Challenges such as; rural children who still suffer the humiliation of schooling in over-crowded informal structures with limited access to opportunities. Textbooks spend most of the year undelivered. The next challenge is that, Students are forced to recall their parent's nightmare on the streets protesting because tertiary educational organisations are not receiving the subsidies they are due in order to run efficiency. 

I personally believe that the country should appoint a new president who cares more about the country and the future of the country, not someone who get all these allowance for nothing. Like; having big houses and expensive cars for nothing. While the country is suffering. The private jet that they bought the president will have made  a huge different if they took the money and invest it to other things like; education, but no. they didn't think of that. 

The ANC party is against the campaign of #ZumaMustFall movement, and has also blame the former democratic alliance leader Helen Zille. Kodwa says that Zille had called for " no reconciliation with corruption" along with her fellow organizers “of the #ZumaMustFall.

Twitter review



Wednesday 23 March 2016

Free education


#FeesMustFall was onof the hashtag that was trending on social networks. It really had an effect to the country. It showed that students were in a very strong mission of fighting for what they deserve without having to be moved by anything and anyone. This movement started in mid-October 2015 due to a rise in fees at the Universities. This movement was students’ way of telling the government that higher education is very much expensive and it becomes an issue for students and parents because they can't afford to pay for tuition and students end up dropping out.   

It started at the University of Witwatersrand and continued to the university of Cape Town and Rhodes before spreading to other universities across the country. This student protest became a topic to social networks and news as a whole, it was one of the most followed campaign in South Africa that people were even talking about. The #FeesMustFall protest was focused on the arise university fees, a number of factors formed the related for the protests from a nonexistence of funding for poorer students to attend universities, funding for higher education.

students were burning things at Union building
#FeesMustFall had a strong influence around the country. Students marching all the way to Union building to get the results from the president. Students couldn't wait any longer, they wanted to know the results from the meeting they had in the Parliament. Students were already starting destroying things. Burning toilets, throwing stones, and breaking the parliament fence just to get in and the

police were fighting back. Other students were even taken by the police for breaking things. But still, the students were not moved.

The Fees Must Fall campaign is intensifying


There’s no free education in this country if young people can't further their studies just because they don’t have enough money to pay for university. Students are dropping out of varsities just because they can't afford to pay for their studies. I believe that education shouldn't be bought. It should be free to everyone, more especially young peo


The student protest was really a big thing and people were supporting students because they also understood what students were going through.   One of the brand that supported students is, Zaleb- SA fashion, the fashion runway is for showcasing good-looking clothes but on the 22nd of October models were walking on the ramp holding banners written #FeesMustFall.
models supporting students at the the fashion show